Known discography of MY PAL GOD
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(16 records found)
rate it hurlmadison earful MPG-008 19947"
rate it silkwormquicksand MPG-010 19947"
rate it hurla place called today MPG-012 199512"
rate it hurl dianogah lustre king 90 day men c-clamp a minor forest dis-v/a: myohioactionpalboygoldgod300 MPG-013 / OHIOGOLD-005 / ACTIONBOY-018 1995CD
rate it the law silkworm atom and his package lustre king c-clamp the goblins sarge sean na na margo & eiffel crucial youth sixto universal life and accident paul newman we ragazzi the city on film burning star-core winechuggers sweep the leg johnny lullaby for the working classv/a: the my pal god holiday record MPG-020 1997CD
rate it hurlnot a memory MPG-021 199712"
rate it a minor forestso, were they in some sort of fight? MPG-018 1998CDx2
rate it hurlwe are quiet in this room MPG-019 1998CD
rate it dianogahold material, new format MPG-027 1998CD ep
rate it emperor penguin joshua falken trio oxes neutrino pedal the french kicks camellia lane atombombpocketknife the beau grumpus goBEAUlins del rey port vale rebecca gates drums and tubav/a: the my pal god holiday record 2 MPG-031 1999CD
rate it paul newmanmachine is not broken MPG-034 200012"
rate it paul newman
re-issue ! re-package ! re-package ! re-evaluate the
MPG-042 2001CD ep
rate it taking pictures emperor penguin lungs of a giant bitter, bitter weeks ex models lefty's deceiver del rey knodel tw walsh the goblins paul newman the embarrassment drums and tubav/a: a sense of where we are MPG-050 2002CD
rate it taking picturesfriends are ghosts MPG-055 2002CD
rate it ex models the secondssplit 7" raw wild love XM-071 20027"
rate it sprcsstaste like daughter MPG-059 2004CD
OWNER jon solomon
ASSOCIATED LABELS x-mist, actionboy, ohio gold
ORIGIN usa new jersey princetown

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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